antique-collectible-buttons BUTTON, BUTTON .....

Vintage Celluloid Wafers

These delightful collectibles are named wafers, and for NBS purposes, competitors and collectors know how they got their name. (Unfortunately, I don't have button book library at hand and I don't want to give new-comers incorrect information) :)
The buttons shown here are all in very good condition, and are from my collection, mounted for my enjoyment.
These buttons are all NBS Large, largest two are 2 & 1/8", smallest (the triangle) is a "tat" over 3/4". The elongated "triangle" is very interesting in that it has a vertical stripe layer that can be seen only from the side. (I've made an attempt to photograph it below) I guess I'd call this a "counter" in competition.
U.S. Shipping is $3.00 for any size order; insurance extra and recommended. Paypal is great, my userid is Check is fine, as well. I'll provide mailing address with requests. If you're ordering, or have a question please email me and indicate the page(s) to which you're referring as well as the button number and price; I'll respond as soon as possible. celluloid-wafer-buttons

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